Press release

Sucden Financial reports another year of strong financial performance

Sucden Financial, the global multi-asset execution, clearing and liquidity provider, has announced its latest financial results. The audited accounts for the year ending 31 December 2019, record continued strong revenues and profits, together with a strengthened balance sheet.

Key highlights

• Total net assets of £125.6 million, against £115.6 million in 2018

• Net revenues of £59 million, against £63.3 million in 2018

• Net profit of £16.1 million, against £16.4 million in 2018

“Our 2019 financial results show the strength and success of our diversified business. This year we have been adapting our processes to deal with the effects of the COVID-19 virus on our working environment and its impacts for our clients and markets. Our dedicated workforce and resilient infrastructure have allowed us to not only maintain but continue enhancing our multi-asset services.”

Marc Bailey Chief Executive Officer