Soft Commodities Outlook

Coffee, cocoa & sugar market insights
Our dedicated research team compile and produce a complimentary long-term Coffee Market Outlook published three times a year. In addition, our soft commodities technical analysis charts are produced three times a week, analysing the key New York and London coffee, cocoa and sugar markets.
Coffee Market Outlook
This detailed coffee report is produced three times a year and supplemented with more concise coffee crop updates.
Our analysts undertake a macroeconomic assessment of major consuming and producing regions before analysing the recent earnings reports from significant participants. These can help highlight new sales and marketing techniques and coffee consumption changes.
The most extensive section is where we assess the supply and demand outlook using primary data coffee industry data and apply our fundamental models. Finally, we showcase our crop forecasts and highlight any changes before providing price forecasts and possible future and options trading strategies.
Soft Commodity Technical Charts
Our dedicated research team publish soft commodity technical charts analysis three times a week, covering the New York and London coffee, cocoa and sugar futures markets. The team identifies key support and resistance levels and provides their views on future potential price moves.
Soft Commodity Technical Charts
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